My second feral rescue

This is Miaghi, my 2nd feral rescue. He came from a factory where my 2 sisters worked. He was only 3 weeks old when I got him too so he also needed to be bottle fed. Phew after all those years here I was getting up every few hours to feed the babies. Miaghi got his name from Karate Kid Mr Miaghi. He ran around on his back legs for the first 3 months of his life doing the kung fu thing and so hence the name.Remember now I also had Bacardi who was very sick with cat flu. I didn't think he was actually going to make it! He had to have antibiotics via syringe and be kept warm all the time. Needless to say he made it and what an awesome cat he turned out to be, a very loving boy.

My first feral rescue

This is Bacardi. He is my first feral cat rescue.

After being traded in for a sports model (3 years older than our son!) I decided that men were not worthy of my time any longer and that I would not be hurt again. Ja, ja you are thinking.... issues....issues.... but you would be wrong! After 6 months in therapy I no longer have any issues and I have let go of all my demons including some bad ones from my childhood. Terrible when you are 30 years old and suddenly you start remembering things that you have buried from your childhood. Anyway therapy taught me to like myself again and to enjoy MY time and that I did not need a man in my life to make me complete. And so I was single for 7 blissful years. I decided that animals were worthy of my love and the unconditional love that I got from them is awesome. Friends tried time and time again to set me up with a string of unsuitable men and thought I was "not" normal not wanting to be in a relationship. They told me that it's wasn't healthy to not want to be going out and having fun when they were forever running out to parties, going to pubs etc. I was just past it at 45 (back then lol) and some of my friends still do it at 50! They used to call me the cat lady and told me that one day I would die and be eaten by my cats! Well so be it I always told them. Just leave me alone..... and there's that word ALONE but to me it didn't mean I was alone. I loved my solitude and I loved my space........ all in all, I loved my life!

And then a man from 27 years ago found me again on Facebook and that all changed but I will blog about that in good time :)